Stand Firm

Stand Firm

The Word of God tells us that we are to stand…stand firm! This, sometimes, is easier said than done. That is when tenacity….sheer determination…and a reliance that the Lord is on your side comes into play. Without those three it will be much easier to fold under pressure.

Another key to standing when the ‘going gets tough’ is to keep yourself surrounded by believers who will encourage and support you. I have found that the Lord uses others to speak words of grace and strength when we most need them. This is why it is so very important to nourish our God-given relationships.

When I was in bible school I was known for saying something. I often would ask others: “Who are you going to call in the middle of the night when you are out on the field and need help?” The reason behind this question was that I saw some who were so focused on getting through school that they forgot or ignored those the Lord had placed around them…people who would be able (and willing) to stand the test of time.

I am so very thankful for all those the Lord has placed in my life…those who continuously encourage me personally to be all that God created me to be. Often times I do not even think that some of them know that they were God’s messenger to me, at that time. For example, I just had a conversation with a former roommate who now lives in Sweden. The Lord used her today to bless and encourage me — geographical location and time were inconsequential. I stepped away from our conversation strengthened…better able to keep STANDING.

I pray that you will be surrounded by those who will hold up your arms when you become weary, those who will offer you water when you are parched, those who will pour the oil on your wounds when you have been in the battle, and those who will pray for you when you are in need. May you be blessed by God-given friends who love the Lord with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength and who love you just as they love themselves.