
Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

Naturally… Wind blowing, Birds chirping, Frogs croaking, Flowers blooming, Rain coming, Sun shining Spiritually… Wind of the Spirit  — blowing out the cobwebs, bringing new life, power, and refreshment. Melodies of the Heart (just like the birds and the frogs who sing for joy, who announce the approach of spring) […]

Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up!

Perhaps you feel as if you have been waiting and waiting and waiting. Perhaps you are growing impatient. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. The word “wait” carries with it the implicit meaning to be strong, to endure. Keep hanging on until you see what […]

Prepare Your Heart

Prepare Your Heart

I have been thinking about the need for each of us to prepare our hearts for worship…just as one of my favorite Christmas carols, Joy to the World, instructs: “Let every heart prepare Him room.” In the rush of our daily lives I believe we […]

Stand Firm

Stand Firm

The Word of God tells us that we are to stand…stand firm! This, sometimes, is easier said than done. That is when tenacity….sheer determination…and a reliance that the Lord is on your side comes into play. Without those three it will be much easier to […]

Musings from the Road

Musings from the Road

Friday the 13th was a busy day for me. After sleeping on and off for a few hours I awakened before my alarm…at 3:25 AM. Had to finish packing and then make it to the airport by 6 AM. With pre-printed boarding passes I made […]

A Sunday Afternoon Ramble

A Sunday Afternoon Ramble

I don’t know about you, but I grew up on Sunday afternoon drives through the countryside that were usually followed by a nap or a visit with family out on a front porch or patio. We were never allowed to do anything rowdy on Sundays; […]

His Unfailing Love

His Unfailing Love

Oh my! The longer I think about God’s unfailing love…the more I am amazed by Him and His “cannot be contained, cannot be measured, never fails, never fades, never gives up (especially on me)” kind of love. It is a love that I am endeavoring […]

Be a Servant! Me? But I Am a Leader!

Be a Servant! Me? But I Am a Leader!

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, made it very clear to his disciples that they were to serve. He demonstrated this to them by washing their feet as they celebrated what would be His last Passover meal on earth. The cross awaited Him, but they could not […]



With this being Valentine’s Day weekend I found myself thinking about that four letter word we all seem to be searching for. I am sure each of us have a different take on the holiday and all the various ways people celebrate, but I want […]

Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life

Challenge for this coming week = ENJOY Life! Enjoy = Take delight or pleasure in, like, love, be fond of, be entertained by, be keen on, appreciate, relish, revel in, adore, lap up, savor, luxuriate in, bask in, get a kick out of, get a […]